How to Write a Good Instagram Bio

How to Write a Good Instagram Bio

It is true that most people think that writing a unique Instagram bio seems straightforward, but it requires the presence of mind and immense amounts of thoughts. According to a number of studies that have been conducted, online visitors take only a few seconds for forming an impression about your Instagram account. Moreover, if you are making use of Instagram for business purposes, it is even more important that you take care of your Instagram bio as it is going to be the first impression of your followers.

Most people do not have a sound knowledge about how they can craft the perfect and unique Instagram bios. Listed below are few of the important tips that you should be considering if you want to make your Instagram bio catchy and interesting.

Taking care of your name

The primary step of creating a good Instagram bio is by ensuring that you do not use any fancy or difficult name. In fact, you should use your own name. When people are looking for your account on Instagram, it is obvious that they will be using your name to look for you if they do not know your username.

Consistency helps your followers to believe that the profile that they are going to visit belongs to a real user and not imposters. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure that the names that you are using in the Instagram bio are the names that your customers and followers are using to search for you.

Introducing your skills

A nice Instagram bio is capable of accurately explaining the business that you are into and the things that you do. Therefore, if you are looking forward to making your Instagram account stand out, you need to include your skills, profession, interest, and hobbies in a detailed manner within the Instagram bio. Take time to think about the things that can make you look different from all your competitors.

When you include your experiences or skills in your Instagram bio, the bio itself helps in serving as the introduction to the new viewers, and they have the freedom to decide whether they want to follow you or not. You can take a look at stormlikes if you want real followers and likes.

Using keywords

Making use of appropriate keywords may not improve the discoverability of your account on Instagram, but it is definitely going to provide more focus to your account, thereby allowing you to connect with more followers who are interested in engaging with the content that you post.

When you are deciding about the keywords that you are going to include in the Instagram bio, it is essential that you think about the core values of both the target audience as well as the company.

Providing your website link

Unlike all the other social networking sites, Instagram is extremely strict about where a user can place the clickable links. Currently, Instagram has allowed the users to use only one clickable link on their Instagram bio. Paste the link of your website on your bio so that people can be directly taken to a particular product page, campaign, or a webinar.


Most users are not aware as to how their Instagram bio can help in attracting more followers than what they have imagined. This is why they do not work on their Instagram bios. Take care of all the tips that are mentioned above and you will be able to create the best possible Instagram bio for your business account or your personal account.