How to Find Peace and Quiet When Your Roommate is Loud

How to Find Peace and Quiet When Your Roommate is Loud

The next best thing to living independently is having a roommate or two. With someone to share the responsibilities and expenses of your home, adulting is easier.

Of course, there are some disadvantages that come with even the best living partner.  You’re not always going to get along. They (or you) could be a slob. And there are going to be times when they’re loud, and you want peace and quiet.

We can’t do much about your arguments or cleaning habits. But we can offer you some tips on how to handle their increased noise level when you’re ready to chill. Try these quick fixes to get your peace, no matter what’s going on around you.

1. Safe Zone Your Room

We all need a sanctuary to escape to, especially when we live with others. No matter how much we love them, there has to be a place we call our own.

Start by setting boundaries of off-limits areas with your roommates. There will be some communal places, such as the kitchen and living room. But your room, or part of a shared room, should be for you only.

Then, you can go about turning it into a safe, soundproof haven. Stuff a draft stopper in any gaps in the doors and windows to reduce the sound that gets in the room. Invest in a white noise machine or speakers to play your own soothing sounds (being mindful of your roommates, too).

A messy room stresses your mind almost as much as loud noises do. To ensure your home and your safe space aren’t making things worse, use these tips to get organized.

With a sanctuary to go to, the loud noise of the household isn’t quite as bad. But if it’s still loud, there are other things you can do.

2. Establish Noise Ordinances

Cities and governments have noise ordinances, so why can’t you?

Officially, these are laws that limit the noise level allowed at certain times of the day in zoned areas. In your home, though, it doesn’t need to be so official.

Work with your roommate to come up with a schedule where it’s okay to be as loud as you both want (within the official laws). Then set quiet times, including your preferred sleeping hours and study time, and a ‘fine’ for breaking the ordinance.

The fine can be something as simple as the violator has bathroom cleaning duty for a week or pays for dinner the next day. Write the agreement down and have everyone involved sign it.

If your roomie is loud during acceptable times, you have to be understanding. Let them know you’re having a rough day and need some chill time. But if they’re in the middle of something, it’s up to you to find another place to get your peace.8520

However, if their wild noises are during your agreed-upon quiet time, remind them of the noise ordinance. They’ll probably appreciate the reminder and tone down their volume, but if they don’t, you can call them out on their fine.

3. Change Your Peace and Quiet Method

There are many other ways to quiet your mind that don’t require it to be silent. When you need to be able to solve a problem, or you want to soothe a cluttered mind, think outside the box.

Try these options if you can’t have a quiet space at home:

  • Head to a coffee shop or library and sit in the corner
  • Stay in your room and put your headphones or earbuds on
  • Hit the fitness center or gym and exercise to get the blood flowing and think more clearly
  • Find something else to do and save the thinking for later

Having a roommate often means you need to be flexible. If they aren’t willing to stop what they’re doing, you can argue with them, which isn’t helping your peace of mind. Or, you can adjust your plans and find another way to reach your goal.


Part of having a roommate is learning how to agree to disagree. This can be hard when all you want is to be alone in the quiet of your own home.

But when your roomie is loud, you aren’t helpless. Try these quick fixes to find peace when it’s not always peaceful.