Health and Nutrition Concern for Young Ones and Teens

Health and Nutrition Concern for Young Ones and Teens

Obesity is the major concern these days and is at an increase threat especially among kids and teens. This is not only affecting their current weight but also creating certain health issues that need to be controlled in time. More than anything else it is healthy eating that can stabilize energy and sharpen the mind of your child. Kids get easily influenced by TV commercial and peer pressure and get attracted towards junk food. It is important to instill good eating habits to help them grow into healthy and confident adults.

Every child has a natural preference and eating pattern so the challenge here is to make healthy eating appealing so that you give your child a wholesome and nutritious meal.

Few tips that promotes healthy eating

  • Regular habit of family meal- Teach your children to be participative in family meals and eat with the entire family. Usually at home, dinner is served at the same time, this will help your child see others and how they eat. Make sure your kids do you miss their breakfast, kids with healthy breakfast tend stay fit.
  • Focus on variety- When cooking at home, add as many varieties possible which would be enticing for the kids and there would be less demand to eat outside. Restaurant meals have more of sugar and salt which proves to be fattening, dine out should be saves for some special occasions.
  • Nothing better than healthy snacking- Keep your house stuffed with healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, healthy beverages such as fresh juice, milk etc, whole grain food so that whenever your kids look for snacks they find a health benefit in it.
  • Notice the portion size- As adult we forget to focus on the portion size and feed the kids in the same manner. Never force your child to clean the plate rather allow them to eat as per their hunger.

Dealing with the biggest challenge of limiting salt and sugar

According to the American Heart Association, the intake of sugar among children must be limited to not more than 3 teaspoon a day. The solution is not in cutting down the cookies and candy but every other thing like canned food, bread, junk food, frozen food, ketchup etc. But the rule is not the ban the sweets completely. Finishing it off, all of a sudden would lead to overindulging and craving that is even hard to control. Give your recipes some makeover to make it more likeable and control your children from drinking sugary drinks. When fresh juices are easy to make why you would want to spend money on aerated ones?

It is advisable to introduce the toddler to every taste at the very beginning else it becomes quite challenging to introduce the transition later. Considering their small stomach, feed them with 5-6 small meals rather than larger ones three times a day. An average toddler needs a calorie intake of 1000-1400 a day. Do not over stuff them if you think that the child has not eaten properly, as long as the child is satisfied there is nothing to worry about.