6 Steps To Heal A Strained Mother-Daughter Relationship

  1. Go on a Date with you mom


To all the girls reading this know that you usually go on a date with your boyfriend but have you ever thought about going on date with your Mom? This might sound unusual but this type of unusual things sometime can bring smile on your mom’s face. In no rule book is written that only couple can go on a date. Two people who love each other and want to spend a quality time with each other goes on a date and can you love anyone more than your MOM? No! I don’t think so.


2. Help you mom in a kitchen

It is very much obvious nowadays that girl hate cooking, so no one is asking you to cook anything in the kitchen but you can stand by your mom when she is working in kitchen. Not asking to help her out every time she is kitchen but sometime you should in your free time when you do un-necessary thing on Facebook, Whatsapp. These small little things make great impact. You might don’t know this that working in a kitchen is a way to your mom’s heart.


3. A surprising warm hug to your mother.

It is been said that when you hug someone than more than words, heart communicates and a 5 second hug says it all. So sometime a warm surprising hug  is needed to tell your mom that ‘I m with you and I’ll be always with you.


4. Shopping with Mother

Girls please make a note that whatever stuff your mom will choose for you, she will choose the best one for you, whether it’s a clothes or a groom. Every mother in this world want their daughter to have the best things. Never insult you mom by calling her choice as old fashion because know that someday you will be mom too and it will be hurtful moment if you child does the same.


5. Have the conversation

Conversation is the key of every relationship and so in a mother daughter relationship. If you are not able to open up with your mom then darling then there is no other living creature with whom can talk about your deepest secrets or shits.


6. Stop back answering mom if you do

It is very uncool move when you mom is telling you something and you cut in her mid or when you back answer her when she scolds you. It is always said that respect your elder and more than that put yourself in your shoes and imagine what she feels when you back answer her.
