HCG Dosage for Weight Loss

HCG Dosage for Weight Loss

When it comes to losing weight, there are tons of diet out there, the problem is, how many of these diets really work? we won’t know, but one thing I know for sure is that to stay healthy, you have to be careful the diet you go for! With some diets giving you a temporal result and in no time, you will find your self-swollen once again.

You just have to accept the fact that not all diet is created the same way and with equal content, and not every diet will work for everybody.

Forget what you see on TV, weight loss isn’t something you achieve in days, even when you drink lots of slimming tea. While some people prefer going to the gym to burn the fat, some would prefer taking diets with low calories, while we’ve seen cases of deeper weight-related issues, they usually have a totally different approach to the whole weight loss thing? How they go about it? well, with the right dosage of HCG, you can lose the weight you want.

What’s HCG?

Well, HCG simply means Human Chronic Gonadotropin, and it is a dietary aid that’s used to accelerate results for weight loss. In 1954, British doctor Albert Simeons introduced this diet to the world, he talked about the fact that with the right dosage of HCG could be used to get a great result. The trick behind the HCG is that it reduces your cravings for food when used the right way can lead to weight loss.

The Benefits of HCG

Before I run you through the different dosage, let’s take a look at the benefits of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin diet.

  1. If used properly, you won’t lose your muscle
  2. The consumption of calories would reduce drastically
  3. You have different options to choose from; drops or injections.
  4. No sagging of skin due to accelerated weight loss, compared to other known weight loss method.

This is how you lose weight the right way with HCG.

I know, the thoughts of walking around with no food in your stomach can be scary, you don’t want to subject yourself to unnecessary hunger.

Before one can know if the diet will work for you or not, you need to change your perspective on hunger, remember, it’s all in your mind! You need to pay attention to how your body is reacting to the whole plan. So, while you are trying to determine the right hCG dosage, pay attention to hormone balance.

HCG Dosage

The HCG dosage for men is quite different compared to the dosage for women. We won’t share the dosage with you here and would advise that you meet with a dietitian to help you with the right HCG weight loss program.

But a well-known hCG hormone diet would usually range between 125 iu to 175 iu. We said you should visit a dietitian because, for some women and men, they require a higher dosage.