6 Hair Products That Can Damage Your Hair

6 Hair Products That Can Damage Your Hair

Your hair is the crown in which you should invest. This is an age-old saying that our great grandmothers have been telling us ever since. Irrespective of gender, we all love to keep our hair shiny-looking and healthy. Now, who wants their hair to fall or get damaged. But, many a time, we end up using such hair products that cause damage to our hair.

Here are some lists of products that can damage our hair immediately or gradually. We should avoid using them.

Hair products and habits that can easily damage your hair:

Hair Products That Can Damage Your Hair

1. Avoiding a Hair Mask: hair mask has become a necessity in today’s time. With so many pollutants and polluted water being used to wash hair, your hair will eventually get damaged. It is not necessary that using heating tools will only lead to damage. But polluted and hard water is also one of the main reasons for hair fall and damage caused. To avoid that, you should use a pre-shampoo or post-shampoo hair mask. This should be used once a week. Leave in hair mask helps to nourish the hair from roots to ends. Avoiding a hair mask or not using it will not be of any good to your hair. So, you need to take out some time from your hectic schedule and use a leave-in hair mask at least once a week.

2. Hair Spray: Using too many hairs sprays to set your curls or hairstyle will gradually lead to dry, rough, and frizzy hair. This will cause damage to your beautiful hair in the long run. So always avoid using chemical hair spray. Instead, opt for non-chemical hair sprays that will not cause any harm to your beautiful tresses. This goes for both men and women.

3. Heating Tools: using too many heating tools like curlers, straighteners, and tongs will damage your hair. These heating tools should be used once in 3-4 months. Using them regularly will lead to dry, rough, and brittle hair. Heat will automatically break your hair and will make them weak from the roots and mid. Avoid using any heating tool on your hair too much.

4. Sulfate Shampoo: these days, the majority of the young masses, like bloggers and influencers, are opting for sulfate-free and paraben-free organic shampoos. These work the best for your hair. Now the logic is simple, sulfate-free, and chemical-free/organic shampoos will work best on your hair, leaving zero damage. So always wash your hair with sulfate-free, paraben-free, and non-chemical shampoos.

5. Coloring the Hair: using dyes and coloring your hair way too much will lead to itchy and dry scalp and hair fall, as we all know that colors and hair dyes all have heavy ammonia and other chemicals in them. Thus, coloring your hair or dying your hair is not a good option.

6. Unhealthy Diet: one of the significant reasons for damaged hair and hair fall is not eating healthy food. Unhealthy, oily, and greasy food will not fetch any good for your body or your hair.

Oil your hair twice a week pre-wash. This is one of the best exercises our mom, grandmom, and great granny have taught us to do.