Keyword Tactics: How to Use the Same Keywords in Unique Ways to Get Traffic

Keyword Tactics How to Use the Same Keywords in Unique Ways to Get Traffic

Every digital business is aware of the importance of keywords. Since search engines are the gateway into the digital world, a website has to be optimized for it and the top way to make this happen is with the use of relevant and useful keywords according to the niche and industry. Yes, you have found the best keywords and are using them for driving traffic to your website. But, the problem is that the flow of traffic remains constant or declines even though you want to see an increase. Obviously, you cannot change the keywords because they are specific to your business and aligned with the customers needs. What can be done?

The trick is to learn how to use the same keywords in unique ways to get traffic. Some of the top tips to do so are outlined below:

  • Don’t overemphasize volume

This is one of the most important things to remember; volume is not everything. It is only part of the whole and if a keyword is that competitive, you are probably never going to near the first page of search engine results. It is better to go for a low volume keyword that will at least bring it traffic, which is more likely to convert rather than drawing worthless traffic. Also, the long-tail keywords are the most important because they have the highest probability of converting.

  • Understand volume estimates properly

Volume is still important. In your effort to be unique, don’t settle on keywords that can only generate a low volume of traffic no matter what efforts you make. There are tools that can come in handy to help you in obtaining and then interpreting statistics pertaining to volume. Use them to understand the estimates and then make your choice.

  • Don’t target the same keyword throughout the website

You have chosen your keywords and are optimizing your website for them because they will bring in the visitors. This is all well and good, but don’t optimize your whole website for the same keyword. Instead of incorporating that keyword in everything you write, it is a better idea to concentrate all your efforts on a single page that has the authority to rank. Then, you can get busy in making that page the one visitor will land on when they use your keyword for searching. Spreading your keyword on all web pages means that you just might end up competing against yourself and not do any good in the long term.

  • Account for localization

Search engines have gotten smart over the years since the companies behind them have worked hard to upgrade their algorithm frequently. Gone are the days when tactics like keyword stuffing were enough to get you traffic and visitors. It is time to branch out and take local searches into account. When people conduct a search, Google will show them the local results on top because it understands the needs of its audience. This is exactly what you need to do in your keyword research and targeting. The rules for local SEO are a bit different than the standard ones and you need to be a fast learner in order to take advantage of them.

  • Use the analytics

These days, you have plenty of tools that can give you analytical data on your keywords, but it is only ever valuable if you know how to use it. This data can tell you exactly what keywords draw users and why they may stick around. It helps in identifying mistakes when people bounce off instead of exploring. There are patterns you can see and learn from in order to enhance your keyword use thereby boosting your SEO efforts.