Smart Facebook Marketing Experts 2019

Smart Facebook Marketing Experts

When it comes to getting the right training from Facebook marketing experts, you may want to look at all of those using chatbots, primarily ManyChat. It’s the most versatile web app smart bot that you can use to optimize your business and even increase your Facebook Messenger subscribers, as well as generate excellent returns in your marketing strategies. If you want to be an expert yourself, you need to get the proper training from ManyChat certified experts and by doing so, you can eventually become a partner yourself!

What is ManyChat?

ManyChat is by far the most programmable chatbot that you can utilize by integrating it into your Facebook Messenger and even use things like your e-mail marketing campaign integration to utilize it in the fullest and get your customers the experience they would desire from a real person. You can literally make your chatbot operate on multiple levels and work for you with everything from technical support, customer sales, and virtual assistance. You can even have it forward things like e-mails to you and give you updates and notifications in order to get you more contact to the right customers and access, plus answer the call to their needs. No other chatbot can actually offer a completely virtual and digital assistant functionality like it.

Why Use Facebook Messenger?


The vast majority of the world’s population is actually on Facebook. That being said, it’s important that you integrate your chatbot with Facebook Messenger so you’re available to be reached literally by billions of people. And what’s better, you can get the most out of your ManyChat bot if you get the right training from smartbot experts and get the right ManyChat plan that can even allow more people on at a time talking to your chatbot.

Is the Training Free?

While the training from Smart Bot Experts is not necessarily free, you do get a good rate from some of them, but the downside is that most of them don’t offer the right training that’s tailored to your business, and a lot of them just give you the basics training that they pull right off of the ManyChat website themselves, then tell you what they did that worked for them when it came to successful smartbot marketing. That’s great and all, but their business is not your business. Every business is different, just like every customer base and target audience is. You want your chatbot tailored for both.


At Smart Bot Marketers, you can get the best training from real Smartbot experts who are even partnered with ManyChat to give you advanced courses and generate higher returns for your company. You’ll learn tools and tactics to make your customers feel like they’re talking to a real representative or bot that is completely customized for each and every one of their needs, which can also increase your traffic, your rankings, online persona, and what’s even better, yield a higher ROI than you would just by taking the average user’s advice.